Use "fully understood him|fully understand him" in a sentence

1. 11 I can fully understand him being pissed off.

2. Job’s faithful endurance also enabled him to understand Jehovah more fully.

3. The brandy fully/completely restored him.

4. An idea that is fully formed, fully understood, that sticks.

5. The tribute accorded him was fully deserved.

6. A specialist has now pronounced him fully fit.

7. Perhaps you don't fully understand.

8. 21 How the drug works isn't fully understood .

9. Jesus fully understood the plight of the oppressed.

10. The cause of obsessive-Compulsive disorder isn't fully understood

11. Appreciated: 1 adj fully understood or grasped “dangers not yet Appreciated ” Synonyms: apprehended , comprehended understood fully apprehended as to purport or meaning or explanation

12. The causes are complex and not yet fully understood.

13. I'm not sure that I fully understand .

14. Comprehended: 1 adj fully understood or grasped “a thing Comprehended is a thing known as fully as it can be known” Synonyms: appreciated , apprehended understood fully apprehended as to purport or meaning or explanation

15. The Antitussive mechanisms of narcotic Antitussives are not fully understood

16. Appreciated definition: fully understood or grasped synonyms: apprehended, comprehended, understood antonyms: ununderstood, explicit, uncomprehended, misunderstood

17. I fully understand the reason for your decision.

18. I wonder if there -, %, as some moment when she fully comprehended and appreciated him?

19. However, the developmental process of Avicularium formation remains to be fully understood.

20. Cecum: The function of the Cecum is not fully understood and studies

21. 8 The process by which malignant cancer cells multiply isn't fully understood.

22. 30 The process by which malignant cancer cells multiply isn't fully understood.

23. Cecum: The function of the Cecum is not fully understood and studies

24. Though he was fully capable of relaxation, what marked him most was a restless irritability.

25. They still do not fully understand why people grow old.

26. What will help you to understand God’s Word more fully?

27. Other prophecies are fully understood by servants of God only after their fulfillment.

28. Stewart is still battling to fully shake off hamstring trouble which has plagued him all season.

29. The mechanisms by which platelet sticks to platelet during aggregation are not fully understood.

30. Photosynthesis is a highly complex process that is still not fully understood by scientists.

31. Such teachings are very recondite and need considerable study to understand fully.

32. Fully Amenitized Suites Fully Amenitized Suites

33. Further, the metabolic alterations mediating the effects of Adiposity on CRC are not fully understood.

34. Further, the metabolic alterations mediating the effects of Adiposity on CRC are not fully understood

35. This is fully understood by everyone active in Washington politics despite all the anguished denials.

36. I labored to understand him.

37. All I know... he's got top-level government clearance and we've got to co-operate with him fully.

38. He had a good spirit about him, but I sensed he was not fully participating in Church activity.

39. So I fully understand and am in compliance with that kind of feeling.

40. Becoming Magazine is devoted to encouraging the women of God to more fully commit their lives to Him

41. Investors should fully understand and comply with the securities market "caveat emptor " principle.

42. Although currently abundant, numbers of Killdeer are decreasing for reasons that are not yet fully understood.

43. Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field truly are marvels of design that are still not fully understood.

44. Common multi-word phrases that nearly rhyme with Clumsily: 3 syllables: can fully, sprung fully, when fully, dumb bunny, has fully, was fully, can safely,

45. One can spend a lifetime studying them and still not fully understand them.

46. Biologists do not fully understand the processes that take place in living cells.

47. In the body Aluminum is present in the body, but its role is not fully understood.

48. That may not be the case when children do not fully understand the language.

49. This accomplishment has been described as fully on a par with the works of Newton, Maxwell, and Einstein before him.

50. We may not fully understand why Jehovah allows us to undergo a particular trial.

51. Ensure that you fully understand exclusion clauses related to acts of war and terrorism.

52. If no one else could fully understand her plight, her Father in heaven could.

53. He was an alchemist who was doing research on the Dark Water when the Dark Dweller captured him and transformed him so that he was no longer fully human, making him into an eternal servant.

54. On my return I saw a fully recovered James Dalton, who invited me to join him for a late breakfast.

55. Courageously, the three young men remained determined to worship only Jehovah, trusting fully in him whatever the outcome might be.

56. Diana was sympathetic, but did not fully understand his unrest, nor his frantic soul-searching.

57. The acceleration of the fast wind is still not understood and cannot be fully explained by Parker's theory.

58. Even now, meteorologists do not fully understand all the details of the phenomenon of rain.

59. 23 She realized that she had never properly understood him.

60. How, or indeed why, they perform these marvellous aerobatics, we still do not fully understand.

61. Chen’s litigation rights, except for that of self-representation; however the two lawyers assigned to him also fully delivered their opinions.

62. 22 As a teenager, I fully understand all of these pressures that are put upon us.

63. Since toxic effects of Benomyl and its molecular mechanisms are not fully understood, we aimed to detect its neurotoxic

64. Fully Adaptational tripleatomic

65. The valve can be adjusted from fully open to fully closed.

66. He was always friendly enough, but seemed fully occupied with the bevy of young beach-boys who seemed to swarm around him.

67. Compelled me to celebrate a bit to fully understand the Cerebration going inside my cerebral mind

68. 15 For some reason we do not fully understand, the blotched tabby cat was a winner.

69. 8 Admittedly, in this wicked world, it is not always easy to remember Jehovah by sharing fully in activity that pleases him.

70. 30 Even if the technological aspects are fully understood, the application of the law to them may still perplex.

71. Fully understand the definition, recognition and responsibilities of Known Consignor , Regulated Agent and Airline Aircraft Operator.

72. Pupils fully dilated.

73. I understand him to be a distant relation.

74. Burgus Plus is a Japanese company that fully understand the needs and differences of the global world

75. Academic trainees should receive proper counselling before starting a research post in order that future career options are fully understood.

76. It must be acknowledged, however, that many who recite the Lord’s Prayer do not fully understand it.

77. Causes of Bedwetting Although not all of the causes of Bedwetting are fully understood, the following are some that are

78. MRP II is by definition fully integrated or at least fully interfaced.

79. It is necessary to took this three separated dimensions under a whole to fully understand the phenomenon.

80. I spoke to him in English, but I couldn't make myself understood.